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Psychologists and Psychotherapists for Society 

Chapter I. 
General provisions
1. The Association is called: Psychologists and Psychotherapists for Society, hereinafter referred to as the "Association", operates on the basis of the Act of April 7, 1989 Law on Associations (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2017, item 210, as amended) and provisions of this Statute.
2. The association is a voluntary, self-governing and permanent non-profit association pursuing its statutory goals related to:
A. scientific, scientific and technical activities,
B. educational and upbringing activities,
C. social assistance,
D. charity work,
E. protection and promotion of health (in particular mental health),

F. ecology, environmental protection and natural heritage, 
G. helping victims of catastrophes, natural disasters, armed conflicts and wars at home and abroad.
3. The seat of the Association is Warsaw. The association operates throughout Europe. Possible activity in the territory of another country means the necessity to respect and act on the basis of the law of that country.
4. The association is registered in the register of associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations and independent public health care institutions of the National Court Register and has legal personality.
5. The Association may be a member of other organizations with a similar profile of activity on the basis of full autonomy.
6. The Association may use its own with respect to the relevant legal regulations:
A. seals,
B. other marking,
C. graphic characters.
7. The association is established for an unlimited period of time.
8. The activity of the Association is based primarily on the voluntary work of its members.
9. The association may employ employees, including its members, to conduct its affairs.

Chapter II. 
Goals and forms of activity
1. The aim of the Association's activities is:
A. Providing support in various areas of psychological help and crisis intervention.
B. Promotion of psychological support and mental hygiene.
C. Psychological assistance to victims of catastrophes and natural disasters.
D. Education and prevention in the field of mental health.
E. Offering psychological support to professional and social groups exposed to particular mental strain.
F. Collaboration with public units and organizations dealing with the protection of the interests of professional and social groups exposed to particular mental strain.
G. Representing the interests of the professional community of psychologists and psychotherapists.
H. Supporting the professional development of psychologists and psychotherapists.
I. Conducting activities for the legal, social and cultural representation of the professions of a psychologist and psychotherapist.
J. Supporting constructive dialogue and integration of mental health professionals representing various theoretical modalities.
K. Scientific activity in the field of mental health.
L. Popularization of psychological knowledge based on scientific evidence, especially concerning mental health and psychological help.
M. Popularization of the scientist-practitioner model among psychologists and psychotherapists.
N. Raising awareness of the psychological consequences of climate change.
O. Conducting educational, preventive, advisory, advocacy and assistance activities in the field of climate change.
P. Popularization of knowledge and research results related to the psychological consequences of climate change.
2. The Association achieves its goals by:
A. Initiating and conducting therapeutic, preventive and psychoeducational programs, incl. by carrying out trainings, workshops, trainings, support groups, individual and group psychotherapy,
specialist consultations, crisis intervention, psychological counseling for individuals and institutions.
B. Organizing self-help groups and support groups developing social competences.
C. Organizing and conducting social campaigns, information and educational campaigns on selected psychological and social issues.
D. Preparation and dissemination of publications, brochures, books, posters, leaflets, etc. promoting the ideas and statutory goals of the Association.
E. Organization and promotion of volunteering.
F. Organizing and financing conferences, forums, trainings, thematic exchanges, symposia and seminars, fairs, promotional and advertising events, contests and environmental meetings, discussions, broadcasts, lectures enabling participants to get acquainted with the latest achievements in the fields related to the Association's goals in Poland and abroad.
G. Collaboration with other non-governmental organizations, scientific societies, treatment centers, scientific and educational institutions and the media.
H. Acquiring partners in the implementation of statutory objectives.
I. Collection of financial resources and material goods, with the sole purpose of implementing the statutory objectives.

Chapter III. 
Members, their rights and obligations
1. Both natural and legal persons can be members of the Association. 2. A legal person may only be a supporting member of the Association.
3. Members of the Association are divided into:
A. Ordinary members,
B. Supporting members,
C. Honorary Members.
4. An ordinary member may be any person who:
A. submitted the membership declaration in writing;
B. signed a declaration on the necessity to regulate membership fees;
C. presented a diploma of graduating from higher education studies in psychology or a certificate of completion of postgraduate training in psychotherapeutic interactions for 4 years or at least 1,200 hours.
5. Not later than 2 months after the Board of the Association receives a written membership declaration, the General Meeting or the Board adopt a resolution to admit a new ordinary member to the Association.
6. A supporting member may be any natural or legal person who declares financial, material or substantive assistance in achieving the objectives of the Association.
7. An honorary member may be any person who has made a significant contribution to the activities and development of the Association.
8. Honorary members are admitted on the basis of a resolution of the General Assembly, at the request of at least 2 members of the Association.
9. Ordinary members have the right to:
A. passive and active participation in elections to the authorities of the Association; B. organizing and participating in all activities of the Association;
C. participate in meetings and any events organized or related to the activities of the Association;
D. submitting applications regarding the activities of the Association;
E. use of training courses and other forms of supporting development organized by the Association for its members.
10. Ordinary members are obliged to:
A. participate in the activities of the Association and in achieving its goals; B. participation in the General Meetings of Association members; C. to comply with the statute and all resolutions of the Association's authorities; D. regular payment of membership fees;
E. compliance with the standards and principles of professional ethics in their work.
11. Supporting and honorary members do not have passive and active voting rights. They can participate in the General Meeting, serving in an advisory capacity. The remaining rights of ordinary members are also applicable to supporting and honorary members.
12. The supporting member is obliged to perform the provided services for the Association, observe the Articles of Association and the resolutions of the Association's authorities.
13. Honorary members are exempt from membership fees.
14. Membership in the Association is forfeited as a result of:
A. a written resignation submitted to the Management Board of the Association;
B. exclusion of a member by the Management Board for reasons:
a. breaking the statute and resolutions of the Association's authorities;
b. notoriously refraining from participating in the works of the Association;
c. failure to pay membership fees for a period of at least one year;
d. upon a written request of at least 1/5 of the Association's members.
C. loss of civil rights by virtue of a valid court judgment;
D. death of a member of the Association or loss of legal personality by a member of the Association who is a legal person.
15. The Management Board adopts a resolution on excluding or accepting the resignation at the next meeting.
16. The interested party may appeal to the General Assembly against the resolution of the Association's authorities regarding admission to the Association or termination of membership in the Association, submitted within 14 days from the date of receipt of the resolution. The resolution of the General Meeting is final.

Chapter IV. 
Association authorities
1. The authorities of the Association are:
A. General Assembly,
B. Management,
C. Audit Committee.
2. The term of office of the Association's Board is 2 years.
3. The term of office of the Audit Committee is 2 years.
4. The authorities are elected at the General Meeting in open voting, by a simple majority of votes. The General Meeting may decide to conduct a secret ballot.
5. Members of the governing bodies may exercise their functions for more than one term.
6. Reducing the composition of the Association's authorities during the term of office results in the necessity to appoint other persons to replace them. In such a situation, new members of the Management Board or the Audit Committee are appointed by other members of the given body. Until the General Meeting is held, the newly appointed persons perform their functions under full rights. The General Assembly approves or rejects the newly appointed members of the association's authorities by voting. In the event of the rejection of new members of the authorities, the election of people to replace them is carried out by the General Meeting during the same meeting.
7. In the event of a significant reduction in the composition of the body referred to in the preceding paragraph by at least half of the composition of this body, it is necessary to conduct further elections by the General Assembly.
8. Resolutions of the Association's authorities are adopted in open voting, by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote (quorum), subject to other provisions of the statute.
Subchapter I. The General Meeting
1. The General Assembly is the highest authority of the Association, which makes the most important decisions in the form of Association resolutions.
2. The General Assembly is attended by:
A. ordinary members who have passive and active election rights in voting during the General Meeting;
B. supporting members, honorary members and invited guests who have an advisory vote, do not have passive or active voting rights in voting during the General Meeting.
3. The General Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary.
4. The Ordinary General Assembly is held once a year and is convened by the Association's Board.
5. Every 2 years, the Management Board convenes an ordinary General Meeting at which members of the Association's authorities are elected.
6. The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened by the Management Board:
A. on his own initiative,
B. at the request of the Audit Committee,
C. upon a written request of at least 1/3 of the total number of ordinary members of the Association.
7. The Extraordinary General Meeting should be convened not later than within one month from the date of taking the initiative or submitting the application.
8. The Management Board informs the members of the Association about the date, place and proposed agenda at least 14 days before the date set for the General Meeting.
9. The lack of the required quorum during the General Meeting requires the dissolution of the General Meeting and the appointment by the Management Board of a different date for the General Meeting, which should be held no later than one month from the date of the General Meeting, during which the required quorum was missing. The lack of the required quorum at the second designated General Meeting does not require its dissolution and setting a new date: the General Meeting carries out voting despite the lack of a quorum.
10. General Assembly:
A. elects and dismisses the authorities of the Association;
B. defines the activities and directions of the development of the Association;
C. adopts the regulations of the General Meeting;
D. adopts resolutions on the award of honorary membership; E. at the request of the Audit Committee, grants a vote of approval to the Management Board; F. considers and approves reports of the Association's authorities;
G. examines appeals against the resolutions of the Management Board;
H. adopts amendments to the statute;
I. adopts resolutions on the dissolution of the Association and the allocation of its assets. Subsection II. Management
1. The Board is appointed to manage the entire activities of the Association and represents the Association outside.
2. The Management Board consists of 3 ordinary members, including the president, elected by the Management Board at the first convened meeting.
3. Members of the Management Board may receive remuneration for the functions performed.
4. A meeting of the Management Board is convened by the President of the Management Board. Meetings are held at least once a quarter.
5. Management:
A. manages the current activities of the Association;
B. represents the Association towards third parties and carries out activities on behalf of the Association;
C. convenes a General Assembly;
D. implements resolutions adopted by the General Meeting;
E. manages the financial affairs of the Association;
F. manages the assets of the Association;
G. determines the amount of the membership fee;
H. accepts and terminates membership of the Association.
Subsection III. revision Committee
1. The Audit Committee is the governing body of the Association that controls the activities of the Association.
2. The Audit Committee consists of at least 3 people, including the chairman of the Audit Committee, who is elected by the Audit Committee at its first meeting.
3. Meetings of the Audit Committee are convened by its chairman, at least once a year.
4. The Audit Committee:
A. controls the activities of the Association;
B. controls the activities of the Management Board, including reports and balance sheets adopted by the Management Board;
C. draws up reports along with an assessment of the activities of the Association and its Board, which are considered at the General Meeting;
D. requests that the Management Board be discharged by the General Meeting;
E. may request that an ordinary General Meeting be convened, if the Management Board fails to convene it within the time limit specified in the statute;
F. may request an extraordinary General Meeting;
G. in the event of inactivity of a member of the Management Board, the Audit Committee may apply for deprivation of membership in the Management Board with the consent of the other members of the Management Board;
H. may request the dismissal of the entire Board of the Association in the event of its inactivity.

Chapter V. 
Property and financial management of the Association
1. The Association obtains funds for the statutory activities of the Association from membership fees, funds from public funds, grants, benefits of supporting members, donations, interest on capital, investments, shares, 1% income tax deductions from natural persons, public fundraising, campaigns , court fees, inheritance, bequests, revenues from paid activities of public benefit or other, not mentioned sources of financing, which were adopted on the basis of separate resolutions of the Association's authorities.
2. Any funds may only be kept on the Association's account.
3. The Association manages its finances in accordance with applicable law.
4. The decision on the purchase, sale or encumbrance of the Association's assets is made by the Board.
5. Membership fees shall be paid by the end of the first quarter of each year.
6. Newly elected members pay fees according to the rules set out in separate resolutions.
7. The amount of membership fees is specified in the Regulations of the Association. 8. It is forbidden to:
A. granting loans or property security from the property belonging to the Association, in relation to its members, members of the Association's bodies and employees as well as persons with whom they are married, cohabiting, kinship or affinity, adoption, custody or guardianship;
B. transfer of the assets of the Association to the persons mentioned in the previous point, on terms other than in relation to third parties, in particular transfer of the assets of the Association free of charge or on preferential terms;
C. use of the Association's property for purposes other than the statutory purpose;
D. purchase of goods or services from entities indicated in point A. of this paragraph on less favorable terms, e.g. at prices higher than market prices.
9. The Management Board may decide in a separate resolution on the transfer of its property on the basis of a lending agreement, pursuant to Art. 710 of the Civil Code, organizational units with legal personality. In the event of liquidation of the entity, the assets previously transferred to it are taken over by the Management Board.
10. Two members of the management board acting jointly or two other persons authorized by the Management Board in the form of a resolution are entitled to make declarations of will on behalf of the association, including in property matters.

Chapter VI.
General and final provisions
1.A change in the statute of the Association or dissolution of the Association takes place on the basis of a resolution adopted by the General Assembly by a majority of 2/3 votes in the presence of:
A. in the first term - at least half of the members of the Association;
B. in the second term - by a simple majority of votes, but in the presence of not less than 1/4 of the members of the Association.
2. Along with the resolution to dissolve the Association, the General Assembly adopts a resolution to allocate the property of the Association and to appoint a Liquidation Committee.
3. In matters not covered by this Statute, the relevant provisions of the Law on Associations and the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.


Krystian Rubacha
signature of the first member of the Management Board

Małgorzata Libman-Sokołowska

signature of the second member of the Management Board

Marcin Nowacki

signature of the third member of the Management Board


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Psychologists and Psychotherapists for Society

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